731 Stirling Center Pl #1951, Lake Mary, FL 32746
If you’ve had a dental crown that just came off or a procedure performed that required a dental crown, you might wonder if
dental crowns are necessary and how long you can go without them. Dental crowns are used basically as a tooth cap or covering over a damaged tooth that helps to protect that tooth.
When a crown comes off, you can retrieve it and fix it temporarily with toothpaste or an adhesive. A dislodged crown leaves your tooth unprotected, leading to an accumulation of debris. This makes it essential to clean the area of the tooth properly.
A tooth can survive for several weeks without a crown. However, this is not advisable as your teeth remain exposed. This could make your teeth sensitive to hot or cold temperatures and cause further damage.
If you would not like to use a crown on your tooth, you could use dental veneers as an alternative for crowns. Note, however, that veneers are only used for teeth located in front of the mouth. Porcelain veneers & laminates Lake Mary and are coated on the teeth like thin shells. This makes dental veneers a more convenient option for front teeth.
While a lost crown is not usually an emergency, certain situations can make a missing crown a potential emergency requiring emergency dental care. Such situations include when a crown fell out unexpectedly, exposing the underlying tooth and potentially causing discomfort or further damage.
1. Significant pain with or without signs of trauma
2. A partially attached crown: This is important as a partially attached crown can become a potential choking hazard.
3. Dislodged dental crowns cannot be removed entirely or put back in place.
As we mentioned earlier, it is possible to fix it temporarily when a crown comes off. To do so, follow the steps below:
1. Clean the inside of the crown with toothpaste.
2. Use a dental adhesive to attach the crown back to the jawline
You could also use toothpaste or gum to attach a dislodged crown back to its proper spot on your jawline. Doing this helps you temporarily attach your crown, but you might need to visit your dentist to fix a dislodged crown appropriately.
Delaying in getting a crown over a long period can cause tooth decay to reach the tooth's inner layer and can affect the pulp of the teeth and the nerve supplying the tooth. A root canal becomes necessary to remove the infected nerve before fixing the teeth to manage this.
If you do not want to use a dental crown, several alternatives are available. You should discuss with your Dentist Lake Mary to select the option best suited for you. Some alternatives to dental crowns include:
1. Tooth Extraction
2. Porcelain Onlay
3. Indirect Resin Crowns
4. Phasing therapy
5. Provisional crowns
While these alternatives are reasonable, tooth extraction is the cheapest alternative to a dental crown. Although it is more affordable than dental crowns, tooth extraction still has risks. One of the risks of tooth extraction is that an extracted tooth might cause surrounding teeth to shift. This can affect your chewing.
When choosing between tooth extractions and dental crowns, crowns are recommended. Although tooth extractions are less expensive, dental crowns preserve your natural tooth while saving you money from further extensive dental treatment and pain.
A missing crown means you should employ more care when cleaning and brushing that mouth area. You can still eat with a missing crown. However, it is preferable to chew on the other side of your mouth to help you avoid the area with the missing crown.
When missing a crown, you should also watch what you eat. You should avoid sticky foods as they can stick to your teeth, making them harder to clean and increasing the chance of developing tooth decay. You should also avoid hard foods as they can worsen the condition of your tooth.
Dental cement is the best item for temporarily reattaching a dental crown. Dental cement is also widely available. If you do not have access to dental cement, you can also use toothpaste, Vaseline, or a dental adhesive.
Dental crowns help to preserve and protect natural teeth. If you have a missing or dislodged dental crown, book an appointment by calling us at (407)333-1335 with your dentist Dr Pileggi for help.